Picking the right breed for you and your family

We’ll share our expertise to make sure you choose the perfect furry friend to suit your family and lifestyle

It is important to get a breed for the lifestyle you have,

not the lifestyle you want

Choosing the perfect companion can be a daunting process, which is why we offer our expertise to help you make the right choice

How to choose the right breed?

If you are looking to get a puppy or a first time dog owner it can be really 
overwhelming what breed to get. Niamh is lucky enough to work hands on with amazing breeders in Ireland, UK & Belgium, from pet dogs to working line breeds. I have also whelped and raised litters that have gone on to working and pet homes in Europe, UK and America.

Niamh will help you decide which dog breed will suit your lifestyle and how to find a reputable dog breeder that health tests their dogs for different conditions and diseases.

Niamh offers consultations online or in person on how to help you choose 
the right breed for your lifestyle, finding a reputable breeder, what enrichment and  training will be needed, what equipment you will need for you and your new addition to the family as well as what dog sports may suit you and your dog.

Please contact us for more information.

“A dog will teach you unconditional love. If you can have that in your life,
things won't be too bad.”

Robert Wagner


One To One private training